why emerald?

Evading placelessness.

Encouraging sustainability.

Building a brand.

Evading placelessness.

In 2015, Megan moved from a small town in Northern NY to the city of Boston, where she initially felt a sense of placelessness. Everything was busy and moving, and she hadn’t yet found a place that felt meaningful or familiar. The following year as part of a studio project, she discovered Arnold Arboretum - a museum of trees - which is free to the public. It immediately became her new favorite place to escape, to explore, and to think. She enjoyed this safe haven both alone and with close friends. She felt the comfort of having a place that was “hers” even for a few moments and one that could be shared with others - which is a feeling that drove her toward a career in architecture in the first place. She later learned that her haven was the “end” of a chain of linked parks designed by Frederick Law Olmstead, which are woven through the city and known as Boston’s Emerald Necklace.

Encouraging sustainability.

Emerald is green, right? “Green design” is a hot topic in the architecture + engineering industry, and for good reasons. Emerald House Studio aims to reduce harmful impacts on the environment in as many ways as possible. We feel that it is our responsibility as a designer of places in which humanity exists to not only care about and for the Earth, but also to be its advocate - to teach others, and do what we can to build a more sustainable environment for future generations.

Building a brand.

Of course all creatives find ways to render their individual identities, but we are really advocates, or representatives, for the work that we do. The name Emerald House Studio is meant to represent a passion for beautiful building design and for the environment, rather than solely representing the identity of ourselves as a creative. When developing the identity of Emerald House Studio, we are designing beautiful spaces, considering the environment, teaching others about our passions, and hopefully - if we’re doing those things right - building a kind-hearted family of friendly faces along the way.